About us

Katrien Hendrickx (Oshiro)


I was born in 1964 in Belgium, Flanders, and am Dutch-speaking.

After high school, I came into contact with Japanese students during my stay in France and became interested in Japan

I studied Japanese culture and language at university in Paris

While working in Tokyo, I learned more about Okinawa and banana-fibre cloth, bashofu, in southern Japan and decided to move to Okinawa, which I did in 2000

I met an Uchinanchuu (Okinawan guy) and married him in Ryukyuan dress

In 2008, we went to my hometown in Belgium for family reasons and lived there until 2018

I launched this website "Bashofu Web Archives" in 2016 while in Belgium

As from 2019, my husband and I live in Okinawa again, accompanied by our shiba dog MoMo, three chickens and many geckos and guppies

Ideally, I would like to be self-sufficient, meaning that I would like to exchange our home-made eggs, bananas and avocados for vegetables and other fruits that family members, friends and neighbours make, while weaving and sewing my own clothes. Above all, I want to live peacefully and freely surrounded by kind people and lots of animals.











2006 March

PhD in Japanese studies, obtained at the Faculty of Letters, Leuven University, Belgium. Dissertation (in English): Bashofu: Banana-fibre Cloth and its Transformations of Usage and Meaning across Boundaries of Place and Time in the Ryukyu Archipelago.


Foreign visiting researcher at the Faculty of Law and Letters, University of the Ryukyus, Japan. Research on the history of banana-fibre cloth in the Ryukyus.


Research student at the Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus, Japan. Major: weaving and dyeing. One-year scholarship from the Europalia 1989 Japan Foundation.


Master degree in Japanese studies, obtained at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), France. Dissertation (in French): Higashiyama Kaii ou la peinture de paysage.


Research student at the Faculty of Letters, Waseda University, Japan. One-year international scholarship from the Japan-German Center Berlin, Japan Foundation. Major: Japanese art history.


One-year French language course for foreigners at the Faculty of Letters, Université Francois Rabelais, France.



ベルギー・ルーヴェン大学文学部東洋学科 日本学  Ph.D.号取得 論文:Bashofu: Banana-fibre Cloth and its Transformations of Usage and Meaning across Boundaries of Place and Time in the Ryukyu Archipelago〔琉球列島における場所と時代の境界を越えた芭蕉布の用途と意義の変容について〕(英論)


琉球大学法文学部 民族・民俗学専攻 外国人客員研究員 芭蕉布研究


琉球大学教育学部 島嶼文化教育コース(専攻:染織)研究生(1年間奨学金:Europalia 1989 Japan Foundation)


フランス国立東洋言語文化大学(INALCO)日本学科にて修士号を取得 論文:Higashiyama Kaii ou la peinture de paysage〔東山魁夷と風景画〕(フランス語論文)




フランス ・テゥーㇽ大学文学部にて1年間ランス語語学留学

Weaving & dyeing education

2008-2013 Five-year evening adult education course Weaving & dyeing at the Antwerp Royal Academy of Arts.

2007 Six-month course at the Okinawa Prefectural Crafts Institute (now called 'Craft Promotion Centre'). Major: basics of warp ikat technique. Trainee.

2001-2002 Trainee at Atelier ITO. Basics of Shuri Weaving.

2000 Basic course of hand weaving at the facutly of Education, University of the Ryukyus, Japan. Research student.


2008-2013年 ベルギー・アントウェルペン王立芸術学院にて西洋の手織り基礎的な技法(素材:亜麻糸、レーヨン糸など) 夜間学校の生徒

2007年 沖縄県立工芸指導所〔現在の「工芸振興センター」〕にて経絣の基礎的な技法(素材:綿糸〔経糸〕、芭蕉糸〔緯糸〕)研修生

2001-2002年 Atelier ITOにて首里織りの基礎的な技法(花織とロートン織のみ、素材:絹糸)体験・研修

2000年 琉球大学教育学部にて手織りの基礎的な技法(平織、素材:ラミー糸、綿糸)研究生

Work experience

2008‐2018 owner of translation service Katokobo Translations (general & sworn translations French-Dutch & Japanese-Dutch)

2009-2010 Embassy of Japan in Belgium. Staff member at the ambassador's secretariat. Continuing my translation service as a secondary activity.

1996‐2000 Embassy of Belgium in Japan. Staff member at the Flanders Promotion Office.


2008‐2018年 個人経営  翻訳事務所 Katokobo Translations(一般翻訳・法定翻訳)

2009-2010年 在ベルギー日本大使館 儀典部翻訳事務所 Katokobo Translationsを副業として継続 

1996‐2000年 在日ベルギー王国大使館  フランデル地域政府代表部 文化交流


2022 琉球列島における芭蕉布文化の起源を探る at Shinsei Shuppan, Naha, Okinawa. ISBN 9784910937045 C3072.

2007 The Origins of Banana-fibre Cloth in the Ryukyus, Japan. Leuven University Press. ISBN 9789058676146.

2004  琉球列島における芭蕉布と糸芭蕉について. Okinawa Bunka Vol.39 : 1.

2003 芭蕉布の研究について. 沖縄染織研究会通信 Vol.29.

2002 糸芭蕉と芭蕉布について. monthly Senshoku Alpha No. 259 (October) 70-72.

2002  八重山諸島に見られる芭蕉織り. Okinawa-Yaeyama Culture Study Group Bulletin (Okinawa・Yaeyama Bunka Kenkyukai Kaiho) Vol.127.

2002 芭蕉布 島紀行 (5 series). Okinawa Times.


2022年 『琉球列島における芭蕉布文化の起源を探る』新星出版〔沖縄〕ISBN 9784910937045 C3072.

2007年 The Origins of Banana-fibre Cloth in the Ryukyus, Japan. Leuven University Press. ISBN 9789058676146.

2004年 「琉球列島における芭蕉布と糸芭蕉について」『沖縄文化』Vol.39:1.

2003年 「芭蕉布の研究について」『沖縄染織研究会通信』Vol.29.

2002年 「糸芭蕉と芭蕉布について」『月刊 染織α』No.259,10月号 (70-72).

2002年 「八重山諸島に見られる芭蕉織り」『沖縄・八重山文化研究会会報』Vol.127.

2002年 「芭蕉布 島紀行」(5回シリーズ)『沖縄タイムス』文化欄.


Weaving, animal care, bread baking (with homemade yeast) 


手織り・ 動物の世話 ・ パン作り(自家製酵母作りから)